Want to Give Your Business a Strong Start?

The New Business Takeoff Workbook will help you think through some important questions so you will feel confident and better prepared to start a business.


Starting a business is about having the right information...

You have probably been thinking of starting a business for a long time. Or perhaps, you already took the first step but you still have a lot of questions about the whole process, and you'd like some more information. If you are like many new or aspiring business owners, you are probably thinking:

  • What if I make some mistakes?
  • What are the challenges business owners face and how will I deal with them?
  • How do I prepare for entrepreneurship?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of starting my own business?

First, I want you to know that these are all valid questions. And, what do you know? Some of these questions have stopped many aspiring business owners from moving on with their dream.

But it doesn't have to be that way for you. 

So, if you feel frustrated or discouraged at your lack of progress, I know exactly how you feel, and you are certainly not alone! However, you don't have to keep feeling this way if you don't want to.

You can achieve your dream of becoming a business owner if you have the right information and you know what to expect. Starting a business starts with getting the right information, then taking action on what you know.

And, you don't even have to figure out everything on your own because I have done it for you inside the New Business Takeoff Workbook.

New Business Takeoff Workbook

The New Business Takeoff Workbook is a useful tool to assess how ready you are to start a business. It will also help you figure out the answers to some tough questions.

With this workbook, you can start preparing for some of the most common challenges business owners make, so you will be ready to overcome them and minimize their impact.

The Business Startup Workbook is For You If You...

  • 1

    Want to start preparing for some of the most common challenges business owners make, so you will be ready to overcome them or minimize their impact.

  • 2
    Want to outline your reasons for starting a business, what investments you need to make, how you will stay motivated, and how you will hold yourself accountable in your business.
  • 3
    Are ready to take the next step toward starting your business.

Here's what you can do with this workbook:

  • Outline your reasons for starting a business.
  • Identify the advantages and disadvantages of starting a business.
  • Assess some of the challenges you are likely to face and how to deal with them.
  • Identify some common mistakes business owners make and how to prevent them.
  • Come up with a plan to help you prepare for starting a business.
  • And lots more...

The New Business Takeoff Workbook is a proven way to take action and start your business strong.

It features ideas and questions that will help you think through the challenges of starting a business, mistakes to avoid, and how you to set yourself up for success.

Here's what you'll find inside the workbook

  • 20+ pages.
  • Questions to help you assess how ready you are to start a business.
  • Prompts to help you brainstorm solutions and get your creative juices flowing.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this workbook for?

This workbook is for anyone who is thinking of starting a business and wants to think through some tough questions. It's for new entrepreneurs who want a strong start and want to feel confident about starting their businesses.

How is the workbook delivered?

The workbook is a PDF document. It's hosted on Thinkific. After you complete your purchase, you should be able to access and download it from the platform.

Do I need the New Business Takeoff Course to use this workbook?

Short answer, you don't. However, you will get the most out of this workbook after going through the course. 

Can I get a refund if I change my mind? 

Unfortuantely, due to the nature of this product, I don't offer refunds. However, if you have any issue with the product, please email me at grace@thebizgrowthcorner.com.

What if I have other questions?

Happy to help! Send me an email at grace@thebizgrowthcorner.com.

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